Galería de Arte

Descubre obras inspiradas en la música, moda y naturaleza.

group of people raising their hands during daytime
group of people raising their hands during daytime
people watching fire bursting on stage
people watching fire bursting on stage
group of people raising there hands in concert
group of people raising there hands in concert
a man in a white shirt and tie playing a trumpet
a man in a white shirt and tie playing a trumpet

Festival de Música y Arte

En Bucaramanga, celebramos el solsticio de invierno con un festival que reforesta y promueve la cultura, la moda y el arte local.

A person standing on a stage with a microphone
A person standing on a stage with a microphone
DJ playing music
DJ playing music
A woman playing a guitar in front of a microphone
A woman playing a guitar in front of a microphone

Nuestra Misión

Reforestamos con árboles búcaros, honrando nuestra ciudad y su historia, mientras disfrutamos de la música y el arte en un ambiente sostenible.